
Basic Criteria for Funding Projects

Contribution to the outcomes in the Country Programme Strategy (CPS): Projects should contribute to the outcomes in the CPS. CPSs can be accessed from the GEF SGP by contacting the GEF SGP National Office in Castries.

Contribution to GEF SGP Objectives: All projects should contribute to the GEF SGP objectives of environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation and/or reduction and capacity development.

Community participation: There should be evidence of genuine community consultation and participation in project development, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation.

Legitimacy of the organisation: The organisation submitting projects should be legitimate and should represent a community need, issue or challenge.

Business Viability: Projects with business components are required to prove their viability by preparing a business plan. A business plan template (currently under review) can be requested from the GEF SGP National Office in Castries.

Sustainability of the project outcomes: The project outcomes must be sustainable and as a result the means of making the outcomes sustainable must be clearly identified in the project proposal.

Technical and human capacity: Project proponents must demonstrate that they have the required technical and human capacity or know how to access such expertise. If this is a problem, project proponents are asked to contact the GEF SGP National Office in Castries.

Co-funding: All budgets should have in-kind and cash co-funding from the grantee or other funders like the government, the private sector, multilateral or bilateral donors, individuals and others. If grantees are having problems in raising co-funding, they are asked to contact the GEF SGP National Office in Castries. The mission, the purpose and the integrity of the co-funder must be considered when deciding if to accept co-financing.



All projects must meet these basic criteria to be considered for a grant from the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP). Project proponents who expect to have problems in meeting these criteria should contact the GEF SGP National Coordinator in Castries
(C/o P.O. Box 8096, Castries; Tel: 758-716-7724;

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