
Projects in many ways are the means of achieving our global, national and community mandates. In this section you will have access to basic information including results from all ongoing and completed projects.  You will also have access to our global website where more detailed information is included about each project.

Project List

Protecting the Biodiversity of the Des Barras Community through Effective Resource Management, Pubic Education, Community Participation, Inter-Agency Coordination and Development of Economic Opportunities from the Sustainable Use of the Community’s Resources
Name of Grantee: Des Barras Turtle Watch Group
Administrative Area: Babonneau
Phone Number: (758) 285-6501
Email Address:
Location: Castries
Focal Areas: Biodiversity Conservation
Project Start Date:
Project End Date:
Project Financing: GEF SGP US$ 45926.00   Other: US$ 59,348.00
Total Budget: US$ 105274.00  XCD$ 284239.80
Project Description:

The project’s goal is to “halt and revert degradation of the Isnare/Talvern River” and the objectives are: (i) “Stabilization of the riverbank and re-vegetation of riparian strips (ca 20 metres) on both sides along 1.5 to 2 miles of the river course; (ii) reduction of dumping, pollution and other unsustainable activities in and near the river course; (iii) lead farmers adopt good agricultural practices; (iv) regular cooperation and coordination of management activities between, inter alia, BYS, Forestry Department, WASCO, Environmental Health, Extension Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture etc., – in addressing community and watershed needs; (v) Increased level of formal protection of Isnare/Talvern/Marquis Watershed; (vi) Rejuvenation of population dedicated to a rural livelihood in the Isnare/Talvern/Marquis Watershed; and (vii) Improve project management skills of BYS.” Once completed this project will contribute to the LD outcome in the OP 5 CPS which states “Sustainable land management principles in use by communities as a means of protecting ecosystems services”.

Project Results:

Location not available.


Location not available.

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